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My services

For private yoga lessons, I come to your home or your yoga space (Stuttgart area) or we conduct  a session online. The advantage of having the session at your place is that you are in your familiar surrounding. Furthermore, I can check out your yoga space and equipment. This way, the yoga lesson can be individually adapted to your pre-conditions. 

As a yoga teacher in German and English, I take your medical conditions and needs into consideration and create an individual lesson and yoga flow with you. First, I conduct a physiotherapeutical analysis after which we define your goals together. With a training schedule including photos of each exercise you can continue and further develop your yoga practise evectively even after our lessons. Depending on your personal goal and medical preconditions, 5-10 lessons are sufficient. 

I come to your home (Stuttgart region) for private physical therapy 


My services:

-physical therapy

-kinesio taping

-CMD (craniomandibular dysfunctions)

-massage (muscles and lymphatic drainage)

-walking and motion training. Excercises for motion limitations


for private prescriptions and self-pay patients

Ich biete ebenfalls Yogakurse für deinen individuellen Anlass an- Sei es einen Junggesellinnenabschied oder eine Baby-Party. Für jedes Angebot bin ich offen und freue mich auf deine Anfrage.


Ebenfalls biete ich gerne im Rahmen deines Arbeitsplatzes Rücken- oder Yogakurse an. Ich komme in Dein Unternehmen und fördere die Gesundheit deiner Kollegen oder Mitarbeiter. 


Der Kurs ist zertifiziert nach §20 SGB V und kann sogar bei den gesetzlichen Krankenkassen eingereicht werden und bis zu 80 € der Kosten übernommen werden. 


Die Kurse, die von der Krankenkasse übernommen werden können finden 10 Wochen statt. 


Online oder vor Ort


I give you advice in any individual queries regarding physical therapy, yoga, personal training, as well as private and job-related health issues.

Prices on request.

I am happy to prepare an individual offer for you. Feel free to reach out for a first consultation, free of charge. 


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